Creative HR Solutions for Small Business

Compliant. Thoughtful. Experienced.

Empower with HR Support: Elevate Your Team

Discover the versatility of our Fractional HR Packages, offering tailored support across key areas such as compliance, strategy, and employee relations. With our expertise, streamline operations, foster a positive workplace culture, and elevate your team dynamics to new heights.

Evolve HR Strategy: Dynamic 1:1 Consultation Calls

Facing HR challenges? Our 1:1 calls offer personalized guidance on DOL Compliance, disciplinary actions, and HR policies like holidays and PTO. Choose from 60 or 90-minute sessions to get back on track swiftly.

Engage Dynamically: Custom Employee Handbooks

Transform your employee handbook with our comprehensive service. We ensure compliance with state and federal regulations, customize policies through detailed engagement, and deliver a polished document reflecting your company's branding and culture—a new roadmap for your organization.

Enrich Your Team: Revolutionize Your Recruiting Process

Simplify your next hire with our all-inclusive packages covering job description creation, market reviews, applicant screening, and contract preparation. We conduct initial interviews, present top candidates, and facilitate smooth onboarding, ensuring a hassle-free process for your company.

Human Resources isn’t a thing we do.

It’s the thing that runs our business.

~ Steve Wynn - Wynn Las Vegas